Lessons, Gear, and Rentals

CLick here to book a surf lesson!


Lessons are great! Everyone starts somewhere and self teaching isn't the best option when it comes to suring. It can be frustrating to learn and lessons help a lot for everyone to get a headstart. If you try to learn by yoursekf you might develop bad habits that can effect your surfing abilities later on. During the summer I work as a surf instructor and if you ever want personalized lessons from me, shoot me a text or email and I can help teach you.

Rentals and Gear

Theres some basic materials you need in order to surf. First and most importantly, a surf board. Without one you wont get any surfing done. Next fins. Fins will helpl stabilize your board and make things easier for you, without one you'd be boogie boarding. Another thing thats optional but helps comfort is a wetsuit. Where I live, the water is cold and I don't know what I would do without a wetsuit. They help you stay out longer and have more comfort in the water. All of these things you can most likely rent at your local surf shop. The employees there will most likely be stoked to help set you up on your first time surfing.